The Centre for Accident Research and Road Safety – Queensland (CARRS-Q) is a research centre established in 1996. It is based at the Kelvin Grove campus of Queensland University of Technology (QUT) in Queensland, Australia and is part of both the Faculty of Health and the Institute of Health and Biomedical Innovation (IHBI).
The Centre was established as a joint venture of the Motor Accident Insurance Commission (MAIC) and QUT, and also receives funding from competitive research grants for specific projects. CARRS-Q’s stated vision is “for a safer world in which injury-related harm is uncommon and unacceptable”, which it works toward by conducting research, training road safety professionals, and giving awards to other organisations or individuals for successful road safety initiatives.
To know more about CARRS-Q you can:
- follow this link, which highlights the general research expertise of the Centre;
- follow this link, which highlights the Centre’s specific expertise in the area of road user behaviour;
- follow this link, to learn more about CARRS-Q’s Postgraduate Student Research Program, for which the Centre won a Prince Michal International Road Safety Award in 2018.
Executive Committee Yes