Global Road Safety Leadership Course (GRSLC)
Global Road Safety Leadership Course (GRSLC)
With a focus on key leadership principles, the GRSLC is a two-week residential course held at JHU in Baltimore, USA that explores topics centred on the key areas of focus of the 2nd Decade of Action for Road Safety, covering topic areas including:
- The road trauma problem: an overview of the global burden
- Road safety risk factors
- The role of road policing in road safety
- Post-crash response: measurement, data and case studies
- Urban design for road safety
- Safer vehicles and road safety
- Strategic communications & behaviour change campaigns
Key features of the programme include:
- Delivery through a diverse, experienced international faculty that aims to challenge and inspire participants
- Thematic emphasis on leadership across a range of road safety issues, irrespective of participants’ positions in their organisations
- Certification from a leading university and global road safety set of partners
The two-week delivery involves participants from across low- and middle-income countries globally and is held annually at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, USA.
Content is delivered by experts from GRSP and JHU-IIRU, as well as key partner organisations including:
- World Health Organization
- Towards Zero Foundation
- World Bank Global Road Safety Facility
- Global Designing Cities Initiative
- World Resources Institute
- Vital Strategies
- Global Health Advocacy Incubator
The course is open to participants through an internal nomination process of the partner organisations of the Bloomberg Philanthropies Initiative for Global Road Safety.
From 2016 – 2019, the GRSLC was delivered biannually, with one iteration held at JHU in Baltimore, and the second delivery held at a regional location. These were held in:
- Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (2017)
- Nairobi, Kenya (2018)
- Buenos Aires, Argentina (2019)
GRSLC deliveries to date


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