Audit tool completes ‘Safe to School – Safe to Home’ toolkit
Important field work was conducted in Vietnam this month by GRSP in-country staff and a road safety audit expert from GRSP member and respected road safety body, the ARRB Group.
Schools participating in the lead implementation of GRSP’s ‘Safe to School – Safe to Home‘ project were visited, together with two new schools which are picking up the project in 2014. The road environment around the schools was studied, the modes of transport, crossing points and general behaviour of road users were all documented and workshops were conducted with teachers. This valuable information shall inform the tailoring of the ARRB Road Safety Assessment Tool specifically to the school environment. This tool will then complete the suite of documentation, teaching and training aids, and assessment tools which comprise the ‘Safe to School – Safe to Home’ armoury which is already being replicated in other countries in the region and around the world.
‘Safe to School – Safe to Home’ is a project developed with the support of the Global Road Safety Initiative, one of the world’s largest private sector road safety collaborations, funded by Michelin, Renault, Shell, Total and Toyota.