#SaveKidsLives campaign
The UN Road Safety Collaboration is pleased to announce the global campaign for the Third UN Global Road Safety Week, 4-10 May 2015, on the theme children and road safety: #SaveKidsLives. The campaign seeks to highlight the plight of children on the world’s roads, generate action to better ensure their safety and promote the inclusion of safe and sustainable transport in the post-2015 development agenda.
The centrepiece of the #SaveKidsLives campaign is a child declaration, developed with input from children around the world. The campaign invites all road safety policy-makers and advocates to “sign it”, “show it”, and “deliver it” to those in charge of road safety in countries and communities during the Week.
UN global road safety weeks are called upon by governments through UN General Assembly resolutions. As milestone events on the global road safety calendar, UN global road safety weeks serve as important platforms for concerted advocacy and give added impetus to the Decade of Action for Road Safety 2011-2020 and its goal: saving 5 million lives.
#SaveKidsLives web site: www.savekidslives2015.org/
Third UN Global Road Safety Week web site: www.who.int/roadsafety/week/2015/en/