New Chief Executive Officer appointed
It is with a great sense of pride that we announce Professor Barry Watson has accepted the appointment as new Chief Executive Officer of GRSP.
Barry is the current Director of Queensland University of Technology’s Centre for Accident Research and Road Safety (CARRS-Q) in Brisbane, Australia. He has over 30 years’ experience in road safety research and policy development, arising from positions in government, industry and academia. Barry has conducted research into a wide range of road user safety issues including drinking and driving, speeding, driver licensing, driver education and traffic law enforcement, and has been involved in the development and delivery of courses in road safety and traffic psychology for both undergraduate and postgraduate students.
Together with his wealth of experience, Barry brings to the GRSP a proven acumen in business management, a strong background in fostering multi-sector partnerships and a passion for the important work of GRSP. Barry will join the GRSP team at the secretariat in Geneva on March 1 – we ask you to join us in extending him the very warmest of welcomes.