Building capacity of traffic law enforcement in Mexico
Traffic law enforcement in Mexico is not easy. Everyday traffic police face a number of safety challenges at alcohol checkpoints, then they have to manage a cumbersome process for dealing with those who are caught driving over the legal alcohol limit.
Under the Bloomberg Philanthropies-funded IMESEVI6, the local name for the RS10 programme in Mexico, GRSP is helping to build the capacity of Mexican traffic police to better understand:
- how alcohol impacts on driving performance;
- how to manage alcohol impaired behaviours;
- the technical aspects of strategic enforcement of drink driving.
This past October, workshops on ‘Effects of Alcohol Consumption and Basic Handling of People Under its Influence’ were held in 4 cities in Mexico: Aguascalientes (seen at left), Guadalajara, Mérida and Toluca. Mexico RS10 Coordinator, LuzAlicia Andagua, worked with Maestro Aurelio Coronado Mares, Director of the Institute of Applied Sciences to deliver the programmes. CONAPRA (National Council for the Prevention of Accidents), through the Director of Road Safety Promotion, Hugo Barrera, sent official congratulations to GRSP for the quality, content and organization of the training.
GRSP will increasingly work with traffic police in Mexico and continue to build the expertise and safety of traffic police at checkpoints in particular. The next course, ‘Safe and Efficient Set-up of Alcohol Checkpoints’ will be co-facilitated by Lic. Abraham Serrano and the GRSP’s LuzAlicia Andagua. We are confident it will be another great success.