A busy month for Safe to School – Safe to Home in China
Having launched the Safe to School – Safe to Home programme in Ningbo City, China on November 18, 2013 with excellent attendance from stakeholders and the media, work in 2014 has been progressing well.
A safety assessment of the road and traffic environment around the 10 pilot schools is underway, with reports to be finalized in June. May also saw two working group meetings involving Ningbo traffic police, the education bureau, representatives from the 10 pilot schools, experts from China Automotive Research Center, Ningbo CDC and the GRSP China team to review project progress and enhance educational aspects including the addition of peer-to-peer education and the development of parental education materials themed on traffic behaviour around school zones. A focussed enforcement effort will also support the educational aspect in helping to change traffic behaviour in school zones.Local media has continued its positive coverage of the project and a journalist training workshop is also planned to share with local media good practice in the reporting of road safety issues.
‘Safe to School – Safe to Home’ is a project developed with the support of the Global Road Safety Initiative, one of the world’s largest private sector road safety collaborations, funded by Michelin, Renault, Shell, Total and Toyota.