Asia Pacific Road Safety 2017 Event
Join us at Asia Pacific Road Safety 2017 from 22-23 August in Manila, Philippines as we invigorate our regional efforts to Save LIVES. This comprehensive policy and capability building conference, our 10th annual event in Asia, will provide delegates with a range of practical and stimulating policy leadership case studies, capability building workshops, keynote addresses, high level panel discussions and plenary sessions over two full days.
The World Health Organization has launched the Save LIVES package that provides countries with an easy and implementable priority list of actions to scale-up and implement quickly. The work of GRSP and iRAP partners demonstrates how different stakeholders can contribute to the ambitious road safety targets set out in the SDGs, and how they can partner to Save LIVES.
GRSP and iRAP’s regional events have become flagship events on the road safety calendar. Since 2007, more than 2100 road safety practitioners from over 50 countries have gathered to share knowledge and professional experiences, discuss successes and challenges, showcase good practice and build strong regional networks where previously few existed.
If you are interested in the event, please follow this link to register.