Bloomberg Philanthropies Global Road Safety Programme 2010-2014 (Phase 1)

A consortium of partners including the Global Road Safety Partnership, World Health Organization, Johns Hopkins International School of Public Health, World Bank Global Road Safety Facility, Association of Safe International Road Travel and the World Resources Institute (EMBARQ) received funding from Bloomberg Philanthropies to collaborate in a five-year, 125-million-USD programme to reduce death and serious injury on the roads. This programme worked across nine low-and middle-income countries that between them, accounted for 48% of the total road crash deaths and injuries in the world. The Bloomberg Philanthropies Global Road Safety Programme operated in: Brazil, Cambodia, China, India, Kenya, Mexico, Russian Federation, Turkey and Vietnam. The programme was implemented over five years extending from 2010 through the end of 2014.
In the first two years the consortium partners developed programmes aimed at passing and implementing effective road safety laws and regulations, training of front-line workers, improving road infrastructure, incorporating sustainable transport and reduced emissions in urban planning, and supporting global advocacy on road safety.
Global Road Safety Partnership’s role in the consortium in the first two years of the project (2010-2011) was focussed on capacity development of key road safety stakeholders in each country who were addressing the key risk factor areas of seat belts and child restraints, helmet wearing, drinking and driving and speed management.
For the period 2012-2014, a clearly focused approach was taken to road safety management. The Consortium worked to identify gaps in legislative framework and sought ways to strengthen existing laws to optimise the safety of all road users through the implemention of focussed social marketing campaigns and best practice enforcement to improve road safety outcomes.
The Global Road safety Partnership played a key capacity building role over the five years, particularly in the area of traffic enforcement. We were also involved in developing and managing the road safety advocacy programme with selected Red Cross and Red Crescent National Societies, and managing the growing and ongoing road safety grants programme for NGOs and other road safety stakeholders in the target countries.
Read the Midway Report.
View the Fact Sheet.
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