FedEx Supports GRSP Initiative In Namibia

The National Road Safety Council of Namibia in collaboration with the Global Road Safety Partnership (GRSP) launched the Namibian Road Safety Initiative. As part of this initiative, the GRSP, Namibia Logistics Association, Namibia Transporters’ Association and the Namibia Red Cross Society launched a targeted road safety intervention for the commercial vehicle sector in Namibia.
As a result, the Global Road Safety Partnership (GRSP) recently implemented the first round of a number of road safety workshops supported by FedEx. These workshops are a collaborative effort including representatives from FedEx, the National Road Safety Council of Namibia (NRSC), the Namibia Red Cross Society (NRCS), the Namibia Logistics Association (NLA), the Namibia Trucking Association (NATA) and selected representatives from the freight transport industry. The main objectives of the workshops is to improve driver behaviours and attitude when driving on the roads of a country that is on a major transport route within the Trans African Highway Network.
Mike Higley, Vice president, FedEx Express Southern Africa, said, “With more than 150,000 motorized vehicles on the road in more than 220 countries and territories around the globe, FedEx is an ideal source of knowledge and support for safe driving. ‘ Safety Above All’ is a core FedEx belief, and the main influence for reason why we support this and similar initiatives that promote road safety in communities across the globe. We are committed to working with all stakeholders involved to educate and enhance the knowledge of transport operators and relevant government officials about safe road habits and practices.”
The ongoing workshops scheduled to take place in Windhoek focus on three major themes:
- First responder training that educates attendees on how to administer basic medical care in an emergency situation. This workshop equips delegates with the skills required to deliver basic care to others, while waiting for an ambulance or other medical personnel to arrive
- Road Safety Risk Factor training that focuses on how to mitigate distracted driving, decrease Namibian crash statistics, curb speeding, eradicate drunk driving and promote safety by highlighting the importance of wearing a safety belt
- Road safety and telematics training to highlight how companies can utilise technology to keep their staff and other road users safe by reducing accidents through responsible driver behaviour

Dave Cliff, CEO of the Global Road Safety Partnership talks about the importance of road safety interventions with the commercial vehicle sector in Namibia

Mike Higley, Vice President of Operations, FedEx Express Southern Africa highlights why FedEx Corp sponsored US$ 80,000.00 towards the Global Road Safety Partnership (GRSP), who identified Namibia as a country where the programme should be launched to serve as a pilot for possible scaling up in other countries