‘Good Samaritan’ law coming in India
We have reported previously on the progress being made by SaveLIFE Foundation, a grantee of the Road Safety Grants Programme funded by Bloomberg Philanthropies, in their work to advocate for the adoption of a Good Samaritan law in India.
The need is simple enough to define: nearly 150,000 people die each year on the roads in India, yet through a dangerous mix of weak law enforcement, a lack of emergency medical care and an unwillingness by the public to come to the aid of those injured, 80% of victims of road traffic crashes do not receive help within the critical first hour.
The figures on community belief as published in the SaveLIFE Foundation report are equally as compelling, and with media and community support for the issue building, it now appears that in a leading move, the Maharashtra State Government will bring a Good Samaritan law along the lines proposed by SaveLIFE Foundation. This is an outstanding success and should yield flow on effects into other states.
We shall report back through our website, social media and our newsletter as this landmark event takes place.