GRSP’s Interim Strategic Plan 2021
With the GRSP’s strategic plan (Road Map 2016 – 2020) coming to an end, work had begun to develop the next strategic plan for the period from 2021 to 2025. The process of consulting our members on important future focus areas and holding workshops with GRSP staff to gather input on the future direction of the GRSP was well underway during late 2019.
In early 2020 COVID-19 began to appear. In a few months, the world was faced with a global pandemic whose full implications are still uncertain, but it is clear they will be far-reaching, long-lasting and severe.
With this background, in June 2020, a decision was made by GRSP’s Steering Committee to restrict the development of the strategic plan to focus on the period up until the end of 2021 and create an ‘interim strategic plan’. The purpose of this approach was to adjust programme delivery to a model that takes account of the new environment in which programmes must be delivered (e.g. working from home, restricted ability to travel and lockdowns impacting in-country stakeholders and partners). For this reason, this plan is limited in its focus to key strategic priorities to be addressed for the period to the end of 2021. GRSP will, over this period, focus on these priorities that ensure programmes are delivered effectively in the evolving situation while continuing to be responsive to the needs of our members, partners and donors.
Please see the full Interim Strategic Plan 2021 HERE.