GRSP Launches a Technical Guide assisting the development and implementation of motorcycle helmet standards during the Fourth Global Ministerial Conference on Road Safety in Marrakech.

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Motorcycle helmets for riders and passengers are a critical component of improving road safety in every country. Research clearly shows that wearing a properly fastened, certified motorcycle helmet meeting robust international safety standards can reduce the risk of death by more than six times and reduce the risk of brain injury by up to 74% in crashes.

Nonetheless, research shows that as the use of PTWs and e-bikes increases, especially in LMICs, the adoption of lifesaving helmets often lags behind. The development and implementation of a national motorcycle helmet standard and motorcycle helmet wearing legislation are key safety countermeasures to reduce the frequency and severity of motorcycle-related death and head injury.

GRSP recognizes the complexity of the process and stakeholders involved and has developed and launched during the Fourth Global Ministerial Conference on Road Safety taking place in Marrakech a Technical Guide assisting the development and implementation of motorcycle helmet standards in low- and middle-income countries.

The technical guide aims to support government agencies and organizations advocating for safe and affordable helmets to develop national motorcycle standards meeting internationally recognized best practices and regulatory measures facilitating their application and compliance.

The document also provides suggestions on how to maximize the success of the national motorcycle helmet standard and the road safety legislation through effective stakeholder engagement.

“We at the GRSP could not be prouder to present this timely and important document at the Fourth Global Ministerial Conference on Road Safety in Marrakech. However, we do not see this as the end of the journey. We are looking forward to work with government agencies and other organization to make these standards a reality, filling the gap in legislation and saving lives” commented Britta Lang, Senior Manager, Global Road Safety Programmes at the GRSP.

To access the Technical Guide and learn more, please click HERE. To browse GRSP’s Publications, click HERE.

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