GRSP launches ‘Advocacy Manual’ for National Societies
Global Road Safety Partnership this month launched its new publication, ‘Advocating for Road Safety: A Guidance Manual for National Societies’.
The purpose of this document is to guide Red Cross Red Crescent National Societies through the process of planning and implementing a road safety advocacy initiative. The process outlined is based on learning from a Global Road Safety Partnership road safety advocacy project delivered in partnership with seven Red Cross and Red Crescent National Societies in 2012 and 2013, funded by Bloomberg Philanthropies through its Global Road Safety Programme.
The document:
- Outlines the role advocacy plays in improving road safety, and highlights the added value of Red Cross Red Crescent National Societies’ involvement in road safety advocacy.
- Defines the steps required to design and implement an advocacy initiative around a road safety issue.
Provides examples, resources and tools to support National Societies throughout the design process.
The intended audience is National Society staff interested in undertaking road safety advocacy work, or including an advocacy component in existing road safety programmes.