GRSP Member Information Day closes with Royal approval
From 1 through 3 June 216, the Global Road Safety Partnership (GRSP) team, together with members and invited guests gathered in Madrid, Spain for an agenda of key meetings and information exchange sessions, hosted by GRSP member, Mapfre Foundation.
The three days commenced with a ‘Team Day’ for the Geneva staff coming together with GRSP colleagues from Brazil, China, Lebanon, South Africa and Vietnam. The team looked at monitoring and evaluation best practice and how to further embed such practices in our day to day work.
The morning of June 2 saw Mapfre Foundation and GRSP collaborate to convene a fascinating workshop on vulnerable road users, focussing on cyclists, powered 2 and 3 wheeler riders, and elderly road users – with an eye on the Spanish context. An expert panel comprising Henk Stipdonk (SWOV), Margie Peden (WHO) and Ellen Townsend (ETSC) gave insights into the core subject matter before being joined by Barry Watson and Gayle Dipietro from GRSP for a lively panel discussion hosted by Jesus Monclus from Mapfre Foundation. A discussion paper will be drafted and circulated amongst the participants from many Spanish road safety organizations.
The afternoon of June 2 saw the 2016 session of the GRSP Steering Committee, before a dinner with the Mapfre Foundation team.
The Friday saw GRSP staff, members and invited guests venture out of central Madrid to the Mapfre Training Facility for the Member Information and Sharing Day during which GRSP and members shared presentations on individual and collaborative road safety activities, achievements and outlook. Following a fascinating double session which served well to identify opportunities for further sharing and future collaboration, the meeting was given formal close by Her Royal Highness Infanta Doña Elena, Duchess of Lug, who serves as Director of Cultural and Social Projects for Mapfre Foundation. Joining her Royal Highness for closing comments from left, Andrew Bradley (GRSP Chair and Head of Group Risk Services at Nestle), Margie Peden (WHO), Her Royal Highness Infanta Doña Elena, Jesus Munclus (Mapfre Foundation) and Barry Watson (CEO GRSP).The GRSP team wishes to thank all our members for their input, our guests for their interest and support, and particularly, our generous hosts at Mapfre Foundation for helping run a hugely successful round of our annual meetings.