GRSP MENA briefs IFRC zone staff
The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) has been the host organization for GRSP since 1999, and for the GRSP MENA office since 2008.
With road safety becoming an increasingly important topic to Red Cross Red Crescent National Societies, the team in the GRSP MENA office took the opportunity this month to provide a briefing for IFRC MENA zone staff in the presence of Head of Zone Operations, Azmat Ulla. Around 30 IFRC team members took part in the briefing.
Headed by GRSP MENA Regional Manager, Samar Abouraad, the briefing was a lively interactive look at the current status of road safety in the region, the work being undertaken by GRSP and the increasing role in road safety many National Societies are playing, often leveraging their unique access to government to advocate for strengthened road safety policy. The session was closed with an informative quiz for both local and foreign staff on local Lebanese traffic laws; bringing smiles to many, the level of knowledge in the room was outstanding.
“Road safety is part of the overall Federation strategy and National Societies are the ones delivering road safety on the ground. GRSP is a part of that body and we are looking forward to strengthening our ties with them” stressed Abouraad who also announced another meeting with regional managers to look at further opportunities for engagement and set in place some concrete actions.