GRSP partners with Bloomberg Advocacy incubator
As a component within the Bloomberg Philanthropies Global Road Safety Programme, GRSP is partnering with the Bloomberg Advocacy Incubator to build the capacity of grantees of the Road Safety Grants Programme, as well as on-the-ground partner organizations such as Red Cross Red Crescent National Societies, to effectively advocate for the passage and implementation of evidence-based road safety policies.
The Bloomberg Advocacy Incubator is a partnership between the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids and Consumers International, and will draw on its teams’ vast experience in providing training and support to civil society organizations, and in the development and management of institutional and individual capacity building initiatives with grassroots associations, NGOs, media organizations and government agencies.
Together with GRSP and other Bloomberg Philanthropies Global Road Safety Programme partners, the Bloomberg Advocacy Incubator is actively supporting policy campaigns in Cambodia, Mexico, Kenya, Russia, Turkey and Vietnam.
Click here for an early opportunity to learn about some of the work of this exciting initiative.