GRSP South Africa Annual Newsletter 2012
GRSP South Africa is the lead GRSP in-country organization on the African continent and is positioning itself amongst the best globally. They have just published their annual 2012 newsletter sharing some of the successes they are achieving with the support of partners and members, and highlighting the organization’s impressive interaction with the South African Government.
Stories include:
- Safe Roads 4 Youth – an internationally funded research-in-action project targeted at reducing drinking and driving and drinking and walking at two sites in South Africa.
- Chevron Learner Visibility Programme – focussing on making child pedestrians visible on the road.
- Shell South Africa Pty Ltd: Haulier Wellness Clinics – an innovative programme conducting clinics on high volume stretches of national highways checking drivers for their overall health and well-being.
Read the full newsletter or go to the GRSP ZA web site.
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