International Conference on Traffic & Transport Psychology – Call for abstracts now open
The call for abstracts for ICTTP2016: The Sixth International Conference on Traffic & Transport Psychology is now open. The abstract deadline is 9 November.
ICTTP2016 will be held 2-5 August 2016 at the Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre, Queensland, Australia.
Held every four years, ICTTP has achieved a long-standing and highly-regarded reputation as the leading international gathering in the field of traffic and transport psychology. This will be the first time this conference has been held in the Southern Hemisphere, and only the second time outside of Europe.
ICTTP2016 is expected to attract 300-350 delegates from many countries, including academics, researchers and practitioners in the areas of public health, law, medicine, economics, law enforcement, public policy, education, human factors, and psychology.
With a theme of “UN Decade of Action For Road Safety: The Half-way Point”, the conference will provide an update on world-wide developments, key geographic regions of emerging issues and at risk populations and profile keynote speakers including:
- Prof Charles Spence, Professor of Experimental Psychology, Oxford University, UK;
- Prof David Strayer, Professor of Cognition and Neural Science, Department of Psychology, University of Utah, USA;
- Prof Kazumi Renge, President-elect, IAAP Division of Traffic and Transportation Psychology, Japan;
- A/Prof Samuel Charlton, Chair of the School of Psychology, University of Waikato, New Zealand;
- A/Prof Teresa Senserrick, TARS, University of NSW, Australia;
- Dr Graham Fraine, Deputy Director-General (Customer Services, Safety & Regulation), Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads, Australia;
- Acting Assistant Commissioner Michael Keating, Road Policing Command, Queensland Police Service, Australia.
Submissions are invited for oral and poster presentations, symposia and interactive roundtable presentations in the following categories:
- Enforcement and Behaviour;
- Road User Attitudes and Behaviour;
- Driver Distraction and Inattention;
- Impaired Driving (e.g., Alcohol, Other Drugs, Fatigue), and Driver Stress;
- Vulnerable Road Users (e.g., Motorcyclists, Pedestrians, Cyclists);
- Young/Older Drivers; Post-Crash Care and Rehabilitation;
- Intelligent Transport Systems;
- Sustainable Transport;
- Driver Training, Assessment and Licensing;
- Mobility Across the Lifespan;
- Road Infrastructure and Design;
- Public and Commercial Transport;
- Translating Theory into Action;
- Progress in the UN Decade of Action on Road Safety;
- Road Safety Education and Marketing;
- Road Safety in a Global Perspective;
- Data/Research Methods; and
- Other Transport Modes (e.g., aviation, railway, water craft).
ICTTP2016 is hosted by CARRS-Q and Griffith University’s Menzies Health Institute Queensland, with platinum partner support of the Queensland Government. For online abstract submission and further information, visit