Jalisco State Legislature passes new mobility law
July saw the Jalisco State Legislature pass the new Law of Mobility which seeks to introduce a number of reforms and initiatives designed to improve, and sustain, mobility in the Mexican state. The reforms include greater access to transport for the disabled, an increase in the percentage of revenue generated through traffic fines being directed toward roads and bike paths and, importantly, it allows police to set up random alcohol checkpoints and increases penalties for drivers found drunk driving.
Jalisco had long been over-lenient on drinking and driving, with little enforcement and penalties only applying for drivers found with a blood alcohol reading of 0.15 or above. The new law brings in tougher penalties including jail terms, and will significantly enhance and increase enforcement. In preparation for the approval of this law, GRSP has been working with local police officers conducting training in the safe and efficient setup of alcohol checkpoints. GRSP is confident that the police will be able to hit the ground running when the law comes into effect.