Launch of the ‘Manifesto #4RoadSafety’ by the Global Network for Road Safety Legislators 8th May
GRSP is glad to announce and endorse the launch of the recently established Global Network for Road Safety Legislators` ‘Manifesto #4RoadSafety’.
The Manifesto has been endorsed by the Global Network’s Leadership Council which consists of a cross party group of senior Parliamentarians from Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, Latin America, the USA and the UK. The Manifesto includes 10 recommendations designed to support the UN Decade of Action and the Sustainable Development Goals’ target to halve road deaths and injuries by 2020. It also endorses the SAVE LIVES policy package which was published on Friday 5th May by the World Health Organization. The launch, which coincides with the UN Road Safety week, is the beginning of a global campaign to encourage Parliamentarians worldwide to endorse the Manifesto and become champions of effective road injury prevention in their own countries and regions, as well as an unprecedented opportunity to mobilize political leadership in support of effective road safety policies and laws.
The event will be held in London at midday GMT on 8th May by Barry Sheerman (Chairman of Global Network for Road Safety Legislators) together with the Lord Robertson (Chairman of the FIA Foundation), HRH Prince Michael of Kent (Patron of the Towards Zero Foundation), and Dr Etienne Krug of the World Health Organization.
The Global Network’s Leadership Council`s offers you to review the Manifesto and the Campaign Pack, and to visit their new website.
The initiative can be followed on the following social media channels: Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram and Flickr.
We would like to encourage you to follow, share and amplify their advocacy content across your communications channels, while using the designated hashtags: #4roadsafety; #MPs4roadsafety.
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