Mayor Michael Bloomberg meets with Road Safety Grants team
A meeting was held in Paris in September between the man behind the GRSP administered Bloomberg Philanthropies Road Safety Grants Programme, New York Mayor Mr Michael Bloomberg, and the Grants Programme team.
The meeting was conducted to consider and assess the 31 qualifying applications received during the recently closed round four call for proposals. Proposals had been received from nine countries putting forward a range of innovative road safety projects in the countries.
Each proposal is assessed by a panel of international road safety experts using a set judging methodology and marking criteria, before being taken into a final assessment meeting with the grants team, Mr Bloomberg and representatives from the Bloomberg Philanthropies team. During this meeting, the decisions are made whether to fund the proposal, to send it back for revisions, or to reject the proposal.
The ever-energetic Mr Bloomberg lends his remarkable business acumen and philanthropic understanding to the process with a keen eye for ensuring funded projects have clear objectives, effective monitoring and evaluation methods, and a likelihood to make a real difference in the communities and countries in which they are to be undertaken.
Resultant of the meeting, eight proposals from eight countries have been approved to be taken forward. Further details of the successful proposals will be communicated through the GRSP website.
The Road Safety Grants Programme is administered by the Global Road Safety Partnership as part of the Bloomberg Philanthropies funded Global Road Safety Programme. Click here for more information on the Road Safety Grants Programme.