About ADB
Established in 1966, the Asian Development Bank (ADB) partners with developing member countries, and other stakeholders, to invest in infrastructure, health care services, financial and public administration systems, climate change resilience initiatives, and natural resource management. The ADB’s mission is to alleviate poverty and help create a world in which everyone can share in the benefits of sustained and inclusive growth.
The ADB provides assistance through loans, grants, policy dialogue, technical assistance and equity investments. Additionally, ADB contributes to global thought leadership, research and best practice guidance through regional forums, a growing online presence and the publication of specialized papers, serials and books.
To guide its work on mainstreaming road safety, ADB developed the Road Safety Action Plan. It provides the basis for ADB to play a more proactive role to support developing countries in Asia and the Pacific in their efforts to achieve sustainable, effective, and cost-effective improvements in road safety.
Executive Committee No
ADB and Road Safety
Recognizing the extent of road safety problems and the potential for supporting interventions to address these, ADB and other multilateral development banks have committed to establishing a “Shared Approach to Managing Road Safety” to help achieve the goal of the Decade of Action, established a working group on road safety to share best practices, and started to explore ways of attracting additional financing for road safety.