European Transport Safety Council (ETSC)

About European Transport Safety Council (ETSC)
ETSC is a Brussels-based independent non-profit making organization dedicated to reducing the numbers of deaths and injuries in transport in Europe.
Founded in 1993, ETSC provides an impartial source of expert advice on transport safety matters to the European Commission, the European Parliament, and national governments. It maintains its independence through funding from a variety of sources including membership subscriptions, the European Commission, and public and private sector support for various activities.
Read more about ETSC HERE.
Executive Committee No
European Transport Safety Council (ETSC) and Road Safety
“We are delighted to join the GRSP. We hope to bring expertise and knowledge from Europe on the road safety interventions that can save lives and, at the same time, know that we can learn about innovative strategies from other members of the partnership from around the world. We are looking forward to putting this partnership on a new footing that can benefit people in Europe and across the globe.”.