Model of ‘Train the Trainers’ enjoying organic growth in Brazil
Through its work with the Bloomberg Philanthropies Global Road Safety Programme, GRSP has earned its position as an enforcement trainer of choice for governments and traffic police divisions all over the world. The ‘train the trainer’ focus on leaving skills behind is key to its ever-expanding reach through replication, however in Brazil, it has taken another, locally developed step forward.
A team of GRSP-trained enforcement training replicators in Teresina has taken the knowledge and skills learned, to partner with the State Military Police of Piauí, the City Superintendent of Transport and Traffic as well as other traffic crash experts to develop and implement a training course on crash site reporting.
The week-long 56 hour course details issues including traffic legislation; traffic signage; crash site procedures, safety, ethics and actions; crash related behaviours, causes and secondary causes; crash classification, simulation, modelling, reporting and more. The course enables participants to accurately log and assess the road condition and environment, simulate the crash and produce a technical report on the crash and crash site. It also aims to standardize the actions and reporting methodology for military police and traffic officers attending a crash site.
The flow on effect from this training will see more accurate and streamlined reporting leading to infrastructure improvement recommendations and an enhanced understanding of driver behaviour and compliance, which in turn will lead to more targeted and effective traffic enforcement.