Ms. Anne-Valérie Troy appointed as new Chair of the Global Road Safety Partnership
We are delighted to announce that, on June 12 at the annual Steering Committee meeting held in Geneva, Switzerland, Ms. Anne-Valérie Troy was appointed the new Chair of the Global Road Safety Partnership. Ms Troy takes over this position from Mr. Andrew Bradley, Head Group Risk at Nestle, who is retiring after a four-year term.
In accepting the role, Anne-Valérie said: “I am very honored to accept the position of Chair of the GRSP. As a member of the Executive Committee since 2015 I know the organization, the team and their great work. With the GRSP celebrating 20 years of engagement in the road safety space, this is a very interesting time to reflect on the organization’s achievements and to support the strategic direction towards a future free from road crash deaths and injuries.”
Anne-Valérie is well known to the GRSP membership and is equally as well known to the road safety community through her role with road safety thought leader, Total.
Anne-Valérie has a background in law and has spent more than 20 years working within different departments in Total, where she stood out as a security champion. In 2016 Anne-Valérie was appointed the Corporate Senior Advisor – Road Safety within the new Civil Society Engagement Division; a role to which she applies great passion and vision.
Anne-Valérie brings a wealth of experience to the role as Chair. Her successes in addressing road safety challenges globally, and particularly within the African context where she worked for many years, together with her deep understanding of the importance of a partnership approach will be invaluable to helping steer GRSP and its members and partners towards the vision of the organization. The GRSP management and global team are delighted to welcome Anne-Valérie and look forward to working closely with her.