Pre-World Cup officer training in Brazil
On a daily basis, Brazil faces great road traffic difficulties across the risk factors, and ahead of an influx of visitors for the FIFA World Cup (starting 12 June) all possible support is welcomed by those working to make the roads safer. To this end, from 14 to 16 April, GRSP through the Bloomberg Philanthropies funded Global Road Safety Programme conducted risk factor enforcement training for 28 military police officers, federal highway police officers and municipal traffic agents in Teresina. The training focused on speeding and drinking & driving enforcement as well as new National Traffic Council (CONTRAN) regulations and standards on helmets and drinking & driving.
GRSP instructor Luiz Otavio stated that the training came as a result of a 2013 survey seeking to identify areas in which officers sought further skill enhancement. ‘We were impressed by the response to our training here in Teresina. Our goal was to improve the efficiency and safety of enforcement operations to create safer roads for all, and based on participant feedback, I am confident that we have achieved this’ he said.
The training comprises 30 hours of theoretical and practical work designed to increase the level of confidence of law enforcement officers in the set up and running of mobile check-points and use of equipment (breathalyzers and speed guns), and improve communication between officers and the public in regards enforcement policy. The training is modelled on the GRSP ‘Train the Trainer’ methodology which builds local capacity such that those trained are equipped to pass on skills and knowledge to others, thereby extending the reach of such programmes many-fold.