Road safety in focus at the Federation
With the secretariat of GRSP being hosted within head office of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies in Geneva, opportunities arise to promote the road safety message within a diverse group of humanitarian professionals from all over the globe.
During October, the GRSP secretariat team is siezing the opportunity to conduct a month long programme of communications initiatives to bring road safety to the front of mind of Federation staff, visiting National Society delegations, staff on loan as well as guests from a range of international humanitarian and private sector organizations.
The programme of events includes:
- Month long visual exhibition providing details on road crash death and injury statistics, proven intervention techniques and the role of NGOs and National Societies in road safety.
- Mid-month global launch of our new GRSP publication mapping the road safety capacity of 142 National Societies (more details will follow on release).
- A series of weekly Informal ‘Brown Bag’ lunches discussing topics including advocating for road safety, the Road Safety Grants Programme, National Society capacity in road safety and a ‘free for all’ Q & A session on all things road safety.
The busy month for GRSP concludes with the inaugural 2014 GRSP International Road Safety Executive Dinner on the evening of the 30th, and the GRSP Executive Committee meeting on the 31st.