RS10 China project launched in two provinces
The five-year, global road safety project RS10, which aims to reduce road-crash related death and injury in 10 low-and-middle income countries, was officially launched in China in late October with official events in two provinces.
The RS10 project aims to target the key risk factors on the road to reduce death and serious injuries in low-and middle-income countries by applying the proven good practice and interventions. The World Health Organization (WHO), GRSP and John Hopkins University are the key international partners for China.
Held at the International Conference Hall, Dalian Municipal Government, Liaoning Province on October 28, the launch event was chaired by Madame Tao YU, Deputy Secretary-General of Dalian.
Aside from the representatives in Beijing (WHO, GRSP, MOH and China Centre for Disease Control and Prevention) over 45 individuals from the relevant government sectors such as traffic management, transport, health, education, finance and Dalian Patriotic Health Campaign Committee participated in the events. Several journalists from TV and newspapers attended the event as well.
Speeding and drink-driving are identified as the main risk factors in China for road safety, and as RS10 develops, it will be playing a prominent role to directly tackle these issues in order to improve safety on the roads of China.
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