Safe to School – Safe to Home in Viet Nam
On 18 November the GRSP Viet Nam team, together with partners from the Bac Ninh Provincial Traffic Safety Committee, undertook a monitoring visit to two target schools involved in Safe to School – Safe to Home implementations in the province as part of the Global Road Safety Initiative, supported by Shell, Total and Toyota.
The monitoring team found that significant improvements in road safety education and low-cost infrastructure improvements around the school gates had been achieved by the local implementers. This success ensures children, parents and teachers have greater access to the knowledge and infrastructure they need to improve road safety.
The team conducted another monitoring trip to target schools in Ha Nam, again with the local branch of PTSC, on 22 and 23 November. The team made post intervention surveys of the traffic environment and safety features around the school gates.
After attending the road safety activities at the schools, GRSP provided recommendations to the teachers and school managers for further improvement of the quality of the road safety lessons.
End of project review workshops are planned for the 10th and 17th December 2015.
Safe to School – Safe to Home is one of the most comprehensive child safety around schools initiatives of its kind and defines a step by step process that schools and local authorities can follow to make sure that key road safety issues are identified and a range of actions implemented to improve the safety of children. The programme was developed by GRSP through the Global Road Safety Initiative with support of Shell, Total and Toyota.