‘Safe to School – Safe to Home’ launched in Vietnam
A large gathering of local traffic police, the Provincial Traffic Safety Committee, media representatives, school teachers, parents and school children attended the June launch of GRSP’s new Safe to School – Safe to Home project in Vietnam. The event was a stand out success with commitment statements from the school principals, addresses from the key implementing agencies as well as a terrific set of performances by the students all around the theme of road safety.
The project is designed as the most comprehensive child safety around schools initiative of its kind any where in the world, and it is to be implemented for the very first time within the communities surrounding three schools in the northern province of Ha Nam.
The project has built on collective global knowledge on child safety implementations, it has involved the input of the GRSP team in Vietnam and has drawn on the many years of experience in the global GRSP Expert Team. Safe to School – Safe to Home incorporates assessment of road safety conditions, the installation of appropriate and low-cost local traffic engineering improvements, extensive road safety education for children, parents and the community, together with enhanced enforcement of helmet wearing, parking restrictions and speeding.
To be implemented under the GRSI-2 programme, funded by partners Michelin, Renault, Shell, Total and Toyota, Safe to School – Safe to Home has been been structured and packaged so as to deliver rapid results and facilitate easy and speedy replication in communities throughout the country, region and the world.