‘Safety Beyond the Gates’ at Nestle
Launched by Nestlé Philippines in 2009, Safety Beyond the Gates is a programme that seeks to create awareness among employees and third party transport service providers on the importance of road safety.
“At the end of the day, we want our employees and our third party transport service providers to go home to their families safe and sound, without injuries. The Safety Beyond the Gates programme fosters a collective mindset that promotes safety while on the road so as not to endanger oneself and others,” Supply Chain Management Director Robert Vallender explained.
Since 2012, Nestlé Philippines has seen an average of 57% reduction in transport accidents, from 2012 to until present. There has also been zero hi-jacking incidents from March 2012 up until today. The Safety Beyond the Gates programme has also been widely circulated in the Nestlé world and has now become a “safety benchmark” for other Nestlé markets.The Safety Beyond the Gates programme includes the following initiatives:
- The Defensive Driving Course (DDC) aims to encourage participants to be defensive rather than offensive when driving. Third party truck drivers undergo the mandatory training and certification programme comprised of classroom sessions, written examinations and an actual on-the-road evaluation. Fulfillment of the course’s requirements by all drivers is a must before entry to NPI sites is allowed. Today, some 5,187 drivers have already completed the course since its first run in 2009.
- Journey Management Plan (JMP) is a comprehensive risk-assessment plan that identifies the potential hazards, emergency facilities, and even resting places throughout all delivery routes taken by the drivers. The Company simply leaves no stone unturned to make sure safety is not mere coincidence.
- To closely monitor the driver’s behavior while in transit, the program utilizes Global Positioning System (GPS) technology. With the installation of this device in every delivery truck, data such as over-speeding, harsh braking, abrupt acceleration and real-time location of the transport units can be acquired and known. The state-of-the-art device also comes with a security feature which allows the driver to send a signal to the monitoring team if a hijacking incident is imminent.
- To ensure third party transport service providers are compliant with Nestlé Philippines’ safety standards and business principles, regular management systems audits are also conducted. C.A.R.E (Nestlé Corporate Compliance Assessment Programme of Human Resources, Safety, Health, Environment and Business Integrity and Security) looks into how third party transport service providers prioritize the welfare of their drivers.
- Through the annual Balik Baterya programme, Nestlé Philippines partners with non-government organizations and its transport service providers to collect used lead-acid batteries (ULABs) from the transport trucks and vehicles. These are then hauled and processed in accredited recycling plants. The programme, which celebrated its 8th year in 2014, has used its proceeds to assist six public schools through the donation of 426 English textbooks and 300 school chairs, among others.
“The Safety Beyond the Gates programme highly values not only the well-being of Nestlé employees and third party transport service providers, but also the welfare of the communities where we operate,” shares Robert. “This is one of the ways we Create Shared Value, by ensuring the safety of our stakeholders while we do business.”.