Save Kids Lives campaign
Everyday 500 children are killed their way to or from school. They are among the most vulnerable road users, and the risk of death and injury is unacceptably high. This year on ‘International Walk to School Day,’ on 7 October, the Fédération Internationale de l’Automobile (FIA) released a new film, directed by Luc Besson, in support of road safety for children and the #SaveKidsLives campaign.
The film serves as an emotional and powerful wake-up call that action must be taken to address the dangers that children around the world must contend with every day just to get to and from school. #SaveKidsLives is calling on people to sign up to the ‘Child Declaration for Road Safety’:
To date, the film has alreday had over 2.5 million views. Take a look and share it with your friends and colleagues: