Strengthening enforcement in Mexico
During the week of 24 through 28 March as part of the Bloomberg Philanthropies Global Road Safety Programme, GRSP conducted a ‘Train the Trainer’ workshop for 30 road officers from Guadalajara and Leon, the two intervention sites for the programme in Mexico.
The workshops form a part of the programme’s efforts at creating long-term sustainability in improved enforcement techniques in Mexico, a country in which the targeted risk factors of seat-belt use and drink driving are at unacceptably low, and high rates respectively. The objective of the series of workshops is to build a cadre of trainers within the road police who can conduct risk factor enforcement trainings in their respective cities providing detailed understanding of topics including:
- the role of police in road safety policy enforcement;
- communicating with the public;
- protocol for road safety enforcement;
- and how to implement trainings in their respective cities.
This further builds on the work of 2013 during which GRSP worked to create groups of advanced enforcement trainers within the road police of six cities (Guadalajara, Leon, Aguascalientes, Toluca, Merida, Tuxtla Gutierrez).
To date, more than 1100 road police have been trained through these workshops on alcohol and seat-belt enforcement. The results from 2010 through 2013 in Guadalajara have been positive, showing an improvement in compliance with seat-belt laws from 40.4% compliance in 2010, to 54.2% in 2013.