The First ‘Masters’ of Road Safety Management
Renault Foundation this month celebrated the first graduates of the Road Safety Management Masters, a programme launched by the Renault Foundation in March 2012.
The programme, the first Master of its kind, offers an 18-month, trilingual, multidisciplinary programme covering the following fields: vehicle safety, road safety, law enforcement and legislative framework, road users’ behaviour, post-crash care and road safety management systems. Developed with the input of a panel of international experts including the Global Road Safety Partnership, it is expected that this Chair will become a regional and international model in terms of road safety.
Marking the graduation, an international conference on ‘Contemporary Trends in Road Safety’ was held at the hosting institution of the Master, the prestigious Saint Joseph University (USJ) in Lebanon. Contributors to the curriculum from GRSP, Dr Pieter Venter, Gayle Di Pietro and Samar Abouraad delivered keynote speeches on topics including Safe Systems, Education, and the EuroMed Road Safety Programme in the MENA region. GRSP Chair and Expert Leader ‘Road Safety’, Renault, Dr Jean-Yves Le Coz was also a key contributor to the event which saw strong representation attend from the World Health Organization, the World Bank, UNECE, IFRC, TRL, UNESCWA, and the EU Delegation in Lebanon.Alongside the conference, partners were able to share details on their work through stands placed at the front of the venue. For the occasion, GRSP MENA produced a short video which you can see here: