The Global Road Safety Partnership celebrates its 20th anniversary in 2019

It was in 1998 that the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) published its World Disaster Report which first brought international attention to the alarming fact that road deaths and injuries were a man-made humanitarian crisis. Shortly after, in 1999, as a joint initiative of the IFRC, the UK’s Department for International Development and the World Bank, the Global Road Safety Partnership (GRSP) was born with a mission of ‘working towards the sustainable reduction of road-crash death and injury in low- and middle-income countries’.
This year we celebrate 20 years of passion for this important work. Currently active in more than 40 countries, we have created and supported multi-sector road safety partnerships that are engaged with front-line good practice road safety interventions in countries and communities throughout the world. We play a powerful role in capacity building and training of road safety practitioners and police, engage actively in advocacy at all levels, provide road safety programme coordination at the global level and are a recognised expert source of road safety knowledge and good practice.
“Despite the global efforts of the road safety community, the global number of deaths and injuries is still on the rise. As a community of practitioners, we collectively need to continue working towards the UN-set road safety targets, as there is much more to be done,” said David Cliff, GRSP’s CEO. “This 20th Anniversary gives us the opportunity to celebrate our achievements and impact, but also to reflect on where to go in the years to come to fulfil our vision and mission.”.
During this anniversary year we will redouble our efforts to encourage more action, to seek more political engagement and to create more impact. We will hold special events, launch new projects, engage in different geographies and partner with new stakeholders to help increase good practice interventions to help stem the growing numbers of those needlessly lost and injured on the world’s roads.
Visit us on our website and social media to keep informed on our activities, programmes and celebrations throughout this our 20th anniversary year.