The Global Road Safety Partnerships wins two Prince Michael International Road Safety Awards

The Global Road Safety Partnership (GRSP) is proud to announce that we have been awarded two Prince Michael International Road Safety Awards in recognition of outstanding achievement and innovation in global road safety. Awards were made for the Global Road Safety Leadership Course and for the Road Policing Capacity Building Programme. Both programmes are supported by Bloomberg Philanthropies under the Bloomberg Initiative for Global Road Safety (BIGRS).
The Global Road Safety Leadership Course (GRSLC) is a biannual two-week residential course coordinated and delivered by the GRSP, in partnership with Johns Hopkins University’s International Injury Research Unit (JH-IIRU), which in the past seven editions has trained 439 participants from 63 countries.
The GRSLC aims to build leadership capacity to design, advocate for, and implement effective road safety programmes and policies. Each year, the course is offered in a regional location as well as on campus at the JH-IIRU in Baltimore, USA. With a focus on key leadership principles, the GRSLC explores topics centered on the five pillars of focus for the Decade of Action for Road Safety, road safety management; safer roads and mobility; safer vehicles; safer road users; and post-crash response.
GRSP’s Road Policing Capacity Building Programme aims to improve and enhance road safety knowledge and to strengthen capability of road policing agencies to enforce laws relating to primary road safety risk factors in low- and middle-income countries. The GRSP Road Policing Team provides professional knowledge relating to traffic law enforcement – based on recognized international best practice – to build and sustain high quality policing activities to improve road safety. One of the key ingredients to the success of the programme is that all knowledge and policing practices are tailored to the local context to allow for flexibility in their application by local police.
“It is a great honor to receive these international road safety Awards.” said Dave Cliff, CEO of GRSP. “We base our work on international best practices, on what works. And this rigor pays off. These results would be impossible to achieve without our partners on the ground, our exceptional staff and our donor.”.
The Prince Michael International Road Safety Awards were presented by His Royal Highness Prince Michael of Kent during the Annual Awards Ceremony on December 10, 2019 at The Savoy in London, UK.
For more details on the work of GRSP and on the award-winning programmes, please visit GRSP’s website. Otherwise, you can contact Michael Chippendale, or Paolo Cravero,
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