The media ‘abuzz’ during Africa seminar
We report often on the important role the media plays in road safety. Media, in both modern social forms and more traditional mass mediums, has the ear of populations. It can influence, advise and educate; and this was on show for all to see during the GRSP 3rd Africa Seminar in Cape Town.
Local South African newspapers, news websites and television stations covered the event from the opening address from Minister Peters (Minister of Transport) right through to the closing ceremony and beyond. Government portals also shared information highlighting the importance of the now annual event.
Running in parallel, the social media scene was buzzing with tweets, retweets and comments. During every session, participants were live tweeting minute by minute. Organizations such as Drive More Safely @Drivemoresafely, Arrive Alive @_ArriveAlive together with road safety journalists Brian Kanaahe Bilal @BrianBilalK1, Lisa Kane @LizaKaneZa and many others were contributing to the online discussion and taking it to a global level.
The success of that online collaboration only reflects the spirit of partnership and the atmosphere enjoyed by all in Cape Town.
Examples of mass media links:
Examples of Government links:
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