Vietnam Launches ‘Drunk No Driving Campaign’
GRSP attended the launch of the ‘Drunk no Driving’ campaign held in Hanoi, Vietnam on 12 May 2019. Present at the event were the Deputy Prime Minister, the President of the National Traffic Safety Committee (NTSC), the Transport Minister, senior NTSC staff as well as representatives of the Hanoi People’s Committee and other senior government officials.
In addition to the dignitaries, more than 8,000 members of the community attended adding their weight to the anti-drink drive message.
While launching the campaign the Deputy Prime Minister called for action. He said that road crashes relating to drink driving have continued happening across the country and highlighted two recent road crashes in Hanoi that had killed three women, resulting in five children losing their mothers. He also requested for increased efforts in policing drink driving.
GRSP re-affirmed that highly visible policing operations breath testing as many drivers as possible at times when drink driving peaks is an extremely effective countermeasure, made more so when supported by a high-profile publicity campaign such as ‘Drunk no Driving’.
Together with the launch of the ‘Drunk no Driving’ campaign, it was also announced that the National Assembly, the Government, Ministries and Departments are taking prompt action to review and amend existing laws adding stricter penalties for those found guilty of drink driving offences.