Where is the volunteer inside you?
Novieyanti is a 20-year old volunteer for the Indonesian Red Cross. “I am different from other girls my age, I don’t window-shop, I choose to be an active HIV/AIDS campaigner,” she explains. Just as volunteers are critical to stemming the spread of HIV/AIDS and to addressing other health crises, the Global Road Safety Partnership recognizes that success for road safety largely depends on the support of volunteers such as Novieyanti.
And this year is an occasion to highlight this important contribution alongside Global Road Safety Partnerhip’s host organization, the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, which has launched the campaign “Find the Volunteer Inside You.”
It is a unique occasion to make a difference – especially for road safety. And year-long efforts for volunteering will coincide with the Decade of Action for Road Safety which launches in May.
“We appreciate the valuable contribution of volunteers to road safety,” stated Andrew Pearce, Chief Executive of the Global Road Safety Partnership. “And we are excited about this occasion to work with all our partners, including the Red Cross Red Crescent, to underline the important role they play today, and for the future.”
As the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies points out, volunteering can be done at an individual level; it can be done by encouraging corporate volunteering initiatives, or by becoming a regular financial donor to support the work carried out by volunteers.
“Volunteering is the common link that binds humanitarian action and lasting development at the community level,” explained Under Secretary General for National Society and Knowledge Development at the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, Dr Mukesh Kapila.
The Global Road Safety Partnership and its Red Cross Red Crescent partners will be taking action to make the most of this opportunity for road safety, encouraging partners to find the road safety volunteer inside you.