The Secretariat
The Global Road Safety Partnership (GRSP) is a non-profit organization that was formed in 1999 in response to global recognition of road crash deaths and injuries as a human-made health crisis. Hosted by the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), we are governed through a constitution approved by a Steering Committee of our members and work in line with the Strategic Plan 2022 to 2030.
Our members are leading multi- and bi-lateral development agencies, governments, businesses, and civil society organizations.
The GRSP is led by a Chief Executive Officer (CEO), who has overall responsibility for all operations, and by a Management Team that works with the CEO to plan and execute the operational activities.
Our role is to create and support multi-sector road safety partnerships that are engaged with front-line good practice road safety interventions in countries and communities throughout the world. We play a powerful role in capacity building and training of road safety practitioners and traffic police, engage actively in advocacy at all levels, provide road safety programme coordination at the global level, and are a recognised expert source of road safety knowledge and good practice.
Our people are road safety professionals with
extensive expertise that includes:
Road policing
Project design & management
Global reach
Education & training
Grants management
Applied research
Our Vision
A world free of road crash death and injury
Our Mission
The sustainable reduction of road-crash death and injury in low- and middle-income countries
What We Do?
- Advocating for evidence-based legislation around key risk factors and improved vehicle safety
- Providing training, leadership development and capacity building for road policing agencies
- Delivering road safety and leadership education, training and capacity building
- Designing, tailoring and delivering international road safety grants programmes
- Designing, developing and implementing evidence-based road safety projects
- Providing expert review and technical advice on road safety strategy, policy and projects
- Building partnerships between government, civil society and corporate communities
How We Do It?
We form partnerships between the private sector, civil society and governments to apply best practice road safety policy and practice, primarily in low- and middle-income countries and can utilise our extensive network of partners to reach every corner of the globe.
We act with the humanitarian values and ethics of the IFRC as our guiding principles.
Steering & Executive Committees
The Global Road Safety Partnership Steering Committee comprises all members of the partnership. It meets annually to elect new Executive Committee members, formally approve accounts, and provide feedback and guidance on planned activities for the coming year.
The Steering Committee elects the Executive Committee from amongst the partners in each of the subscribing sectors of membership. The Executive Committee elects a Chair and Vice-Chair from amongst its members to serve a two-year term. The Executive Committee meets three times per annum.
The Executive Committee sets the overall policy of the programme, endorses new applications for partnership, approves the choice of focus countries, annual budgets and plans, and appoints the Chief Executive to lead the Secretariat.

Bernd Marx Shell Group General Manager – High Risk Transport (Road & Rail Safety),Working with the GRSP we can make the Second Decade of Action for Road Safety a real success.
Chair, The Global Road Safety Partnership
Origins of GRSP
In its 1998 World Disasters Report, the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies was one of the first organizations to ring the alarm bell about the catastrophic number of traffic deaths and injuries at the global level, and their dramatic consequences on people and livelihoods.
Following this report, the IFRC, the World Bank and the British Government’s Department for International Development (DFID), decided to create the Global Road Safety Partnership to bring together governments and governmental agencies, the private sector and civil society to urgently address road safety issues, especially in low- and middle-income countries, where 85% of traffic deaths and injuries occur, and where numbers continue to increase.
The underlying concept of the GRSP was built on the premise that the efforts by single agencies and governments to try to improve road safety in developing and transitional countries have had limited success and many interventions simply have not been financially or institutionally sustainable. Only by applying the business partnership approach, we can benefit the long-term interests of communities at risk while intercepting the needs of the business sector. Partnerships allow for innovative ways to improve road safety, which help creating stable social and financial environments and, most importantly, save lives.