World Cup no blockage to enforcement training in Brazil
Whilst Brazil, and much of the world, is focussed on the drama being played out in the 2014 Football World Cup, even this, the world’s largest single sporting event, will not get in the way of continued enforcement training in Brazil. Through the Bloomberg Philanthropies funded Global Road Safety Programme, GRSP in June, together with the City Superintendent of Transportation and Traffic (STRANS), conducted a series of three workshops for municipal traffic officers, police officers and agents of the Federal Highway Police.
The training, conducted jointly by instructors representing the Ministry of Justice / Federal Highway Police Department, the Military Police of São Paulo and the Global Road Safety Partnership, provided technical knowledge and practical actions designed to strengthen surveillance, traffic policing and the policing support for road safety legislation.
Luis Octavio Miranda of GRSP said of the training, ‘These people are the front line, working daily to save lives on the roads. The training is always well received and all participants are keen to build their capacity so as to employ more effective enforcement techniques on the job’.
A total of 77 officers and agents were trained during the workshops in Teresina as part of the ongoing national training schedule being managed by GRSP through the programme.