Young Cambodian adults assisting traffic police to educate offenders
In a most innovative single initiative, the Cambodian Red Cross Siem Reap branch simultaneously engaged young adults with the road safety message, assisted traffic police and helped educate traffic offenders.
At a recent workshop organised by the Cambodian Red Cross (CRC) Siem Reap branch, 60 CRC young adult volunteeers were trained on the risk factors of non-helmet wearing and drink driving. Following the course and in close collaboration with the traffic bureau of the Provincial Police Commissariat, the young adult volunteers joined traffic police at a night time enforcement checkpoint. Using the skills and knowledge acquired during the workshop, the volunteers provided education on the risk factors to those caught offending.
The workshop itself lasted two days and was implemented with the support of CRC and the Global Road Safety Partnership under the Bloomberg Philanthropies-funded RS10 project. It was designed to not only increase the knowledge of the volunteers so that they could participate in education at the checkpoint, but it also encouraged them to develop a work plan to educate their peers and other road users in their communities.
Mr Soum Samon, CRC Siem Reap Branch Manager, stated that “CRC young adult volunteers performed several tasks including road safety works. We collaborated with the traffic police to educate people on risk factors and to promote respect for road traffic laws. This is the first time that CRC young adults have participated in enforcement. I am happy and look forward to such good collaboration in the future”.
Mr Khem Vuthy, 18 years old (pictured), participated in the enforcement operations. Vuthy spoke proudly of the knowledge he gained during the experience and stressed his commitment to sharing the road safety message with his community.
This was the first initiative of its kind, and just the beginning of growing CRC young adult volunteer involvement in education at enforcement checkpoints in the targeted provinces of Phnom Penh, Kandal, Kampong Speu, Kampong Cham, Battambang and Siem Reap.